Stan, Tina, Cat and Debs, no words can soften the loss we know you are all feeling, particularly you Stan. Know that we are feeling for you too and that you are always in our thoughts.
During our all too short visits, we came to know Dorothy as a private, elegant, always immaculately attired lady who liked her own space and who lived for and was justly proud of her family. She was proud too of her homes and gardens which she showed us with great pleasure.
When we visited Stan and Dorothy in Spain we made daily trips for 'café con leche' and to places of interest, cafes and restaurants as they happily showed us around their adopted home. On a trip to Barcelona, we particularly remember Dorothy's horror on being told, when she enquired "where are we staying", that nothing had been booked but that we would find something suitable. That didn't fit in at all with Dorothy's orderly manner of doing things; she liked to be organised with everything set in place as it should be. (We did get accommodation in the very nice hotel above the railway station at which we had arrived.) Sadly, COVID 19 this year robbed us of another, much anticipated, opportunity for a visit.
As we all contemplate our own mortality, just let me say that the only comfort we can take from Dorothy's death is that she is no longer suffering.
Jeff, Deb and families 'Down Under'.